Press and Online campaign for the thinnest 3000 Lumen 3LCD projector in the world.
From concept, photography through to online, press ads and promotions.
Full Page magazine ad created by Custom Creative for Epson Large Venue Projectors.
This ad was designed to demonstrate the reliability of a Epson Projector while also having impact and cut through within a cluttered market.
The ‘Bring It Home Campaign’ highlights the benefits of a Epson Projector – High Definition viewing experience thats so real,
its just like being there…. all in the comfort of your own home.
The campaign created by Custom Creative was rolled out through Print
(Magazines and National News Print) through to online and supporting instore point of sale material.
Art Direction: Steve Schenko
Photography: Sean Thomas – Box Studios
Retouching: Tom Casey – Box Studios
Internet Banner Advertising
[kml_flashembed movie=’×250.swf’ height=”250″ width=”300″ /]
Epson Projectors Brand Ad – No. 1 in Projectors world wide.
Contracting to Fairfax ‘The Financial Review’ we created a series of ads for Toyota that uses unique ad placement.
- Toyota Financial Review Ad
- Toyota Ad – Financial Review Pages
While at M&C Saatchi Steve created a series of press ads to run along side the ‘Where the bloody hell are you?’ campaign.